Your account has been deactivated

Due to a high volume of activity on your account, we have had to temporarily disable it to ensure the quality of our service for all users. This precautionary measure is in place to verify the source of the emails being processed.

To reactivate your account, please provide:

  • Proof of ownership for your email lists.
  • Documentation showing how the email addresses were collected.
  • Confirmation of opt-in processes used.
  • Any relevant privacy policies or terms of service.

Please note that creating a new account will not resolve this situation and may result in permanent suspension of all associated accounts.

Once we receive and review the requested information, we will promptly reinstate your access. You can submit these documents through our support system.

You have 30 days to submit the required documents, in the case of failure to do so, your account will be permanently suspended and your subscription will be cancelled.

Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions or need clarification, our support team is here to help.

Best regards,
The Team